Vinícius Ernani, Senior Software Engineer

Phone +55 84 99147-9189 | Email
From Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


I am a full-cycle software engineer with 7 years of experience in the some of the world's major companies. My specialities are Front End development and Software Architecture.

Working experiences

Mercado Libre - Senior Software Engineer (Feb 2024 - now)

Joined Mercado Libre to improve the Marketplace products.


  1. Create scalable, user-centric aplications with strong acessibility, internationalization, and resilience.
  2. Design and create a service to quickly and globaly notify users through UI in the application.


  • Javascript (React) for Front End development.
  • Java (Spring) for Back End development.
  • Github Actions for CI and CD.
  • React Testing Library and Jest for code quality.

Thoughtworks - Software Consultant (May 2021 - Jan 2024)

Joined Thoughtworks to provide tecnological expertise for other companies around the world.


  1. Provided maintenance and scalability for a legacy and critical financial spreadsheet application for a US big Real Estate company.
  2. Worked on the creation of a globally distributed mathematical application with real-time data for a US big Oil and Gas company.
  3. Provided technical and business expertise to improve client retention for products in a big Oil and Gas company.


  • Javascript and Typescript (React and Angular) for Front End development.
  • Python (FastAPI), C# (.NET), Node.js (Express), and Java (Spring) for Back End development.
  • AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure for cloud services.
  • Postgres, Redis, MariaDB, and MySQl for databases.
  • Kafka, RabbitMQ and Azure Service Bus for message brokers.
  • Github Actions, Jenkins, and CircleCI for CI and CD.
  • React Testing Library, Jest, Jade, Pytest, SonarQube and many other testing tools for code quality. - SmartTV Software Engineer (Sep 2020 - Apr 2021)

Joined to research and create solutions for the SmartTV environment at LATAM's biggest streaming company, the Globoplay.


  1. Delivered pixel-perfect, fast, and lightweight web components for a streaming platform with more than 5 million users, monthly.
  2. Researched and refined technologies to improve application usability and responsiveness using React and Canvas.
  3. Co-implemented a robust fallback system that increased the user screen time during peak hours.
  4. Changed projects architecture to avoid re-fetching hardware information for each component.


  • Javascript (React and vanilla) for Front End development.
  • GraphQL for queries on database.
  • Redux for global state management.
  • React Testing Library and Jest for unit testing.
  • Cypress for E2E testing.
  • Storybook for component documentation.


I went to the most prestigious technology schools in Rio Grande do Norte.


I have a strong interest in learning new languagens and in communication.
